Top training company award again

Once again, the outstanding training work at the FFB site in Wittenberg has been officially confirmed with the “Top Training Company 2019” seal of approval from the Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Feldbinder was one of 20 companies in southern Saxony-Anhalt to receive the coveted IHK award. Feldbinder was already one of the few trophy winners in 2013. After reapplying in 2019, the training managers are once again delighted with this special award. The seal confirms the extraordinary commitment to promoting young talent and helps undecided school leavers to choose their future training company. Prospective trainees can recognize where they can expect outstanding training quality and good career opportunities. We see training as part of securing skilled workers and are very committed to developing good employees right from the start,” says Dr. Nina Lorea Kley, Managing Director of Feldbinder.

Around 1,800 training companies from the south of Saxony-Anhalt were eligible to apply. The key criteria for being recognized as a “top training company” are a special commitment to vocational orientation and training, the commitment to further qualifying their own trainers and working with disadvantaged or weaker young people. A jury - consisting of honorary IHK members and full-time IHK employees - evaluated the entries and selected the winners.

The certificates were awarded on Wednesday, December 12, 2019 by the Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Halle (Saale). Managing Director Dr. Nina Lorea Kley and Training Managers Katrin Noack and Thomas Müller, who support the trainees from the application process to passing their exams and beyond, were delighted to accept the award.

As a training company, we employ 40 trainees at the Wittenberg site alone in the following professions: construction mechanic, warehouse logistics specialist, electronics technician for industrial engineering, industrial clerk and IT specialist for system integration.

Further information on training