2nd place in the trainee video competition of the IHK Lüneburg-Wolfsburg

In the early summer of this year, the Lüneburg-Wolfsburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce launched a video competition. Trainees were asked to shoot a video of no more than three minutes on the subject of training in their own company. The motto of the campaign was “Back to the future”. The only conditions: no budget was allowed and typical work processes through the ages had to be depicted.

The trainees at Feldbinder Spezialfahrzeugwerke GmbH were immediately enthusiastic about the project and formed a group consisting of several industrial and commercial trainees. They had free rein over the film project and selected and coordinated the content, processes and locations themselves. The first ideas quickly emerged. Both office activities and the topic of vehicle construction were to be portrayed in contrast to the past and present. The changes in the roles of men and women in the workplace were also shown.

The departments and colleagues actively supported the video project with various props: dusty typewriters and old floppy disks were found and made available for the shoot. But the location also had to match the “Back to the Future” theme. The Kiekeberg Museum was chosen fairly quickly. The open-air museum in the district of Harburg is home to various historical buildings and objects. The museum responded promptly to the request with a confirmation. On behalf of the management and the trainees, we would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you!

In the end, a film was cut from many different scenes that met the requirements of the trainees. A total of 22 companies sent in their videos and an expert jury judged the acting performance as well as the content, editing and sound. The joy was all the greater when the name “Feldbinder” was mentioned at the award ceremony, which took place at the IHK in Lüneburg, and the trainees were able to accept the “Silver Oscar”. The very successful event was rounded off with a pleasant dinner with the Managing Director Dr. Nina Lorea Kley and the trainers, who were available to answer any questions during the project.


We would like to congratulate the trainees on their fantastic second place and thank everyone involved for their commitment! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Kiekeberg Open-Air Museum for providing us with their historical backdrop as a filming location.

As a training company, we employ more than 30 trainees at the Winsen site alone in the following professions: bodywork and vehicle construction mechanic, warehouse logistics specialist, industrial clerk and IT specialist for system integration. More about training at Feldbinder